Area of application – man in living room with B.Pad Evo

    Use cases for the BEMER devices

    Improves impaired microcirculation


    BEMER physical vascular therapy can boost blood flow in the smallest vessels. Stimulating microcirculation in this way can help to support wound healing and other recovery processes (1/7).

    Say goodbye to discomfort

    BEMER can relieve pain in the lower back and help alleviate chronic back pain (7). In addition, BEMER can improve the outcome of certain types of therapy. (8/13)


    Health and applications

    BEMER can stimulate restricted blood flow in the smallest vessels. Blood flow in the smallest vessels plays a key role in many physiological processes throughout the body. For example, it affects rest, sleep, and regeneration, as well as physical and mental stamina (1). Stimulating microcirculation in this way can help to support wound healing or other recovery processes (1/7)


    Stress and relaxation

    Stress and relaxation

    It’s especially important to find some balance to reduce stress, otherwise a feeling of permanent overload can take hold. Permanent stress can have various consequences: overtiredness, sleep disorders, lack of concentration, and ultimately burnout. The BEMER therapy can help to relieve stress and promote relaxation (2).

    Sleep better

    A good night’s sleep is the basis for performing well and feeling your best. A user survey also showed that 90% of BEMER users who use BEMER in accordance with the basic plan and with the sleep program sleep better and experience a greater sense of wellbeing. (2/11/12)


    Regeneration and performance

    BEMER can stimulate restricted blood flow in the smallest vessels. Blood flow in the smallest vessels plays an important role in many physiological processes throughout the body. For example, it affects rest, sleep, and regeneration, as well as physical and mental stamina (1).


    Wellbeing and quality of life


    A market survey with over 600 participants has shown that BEMER is an effective partner for physical and mental wellbeing and can contribute to an improved quality of life (2).

    1 Klopp, R. C., Niemer, W., & Schulz, J. (2013). Wirkungen einer physikalischen Stimulierung der spontanen arteriolären Vasomotion bei Rehabilitanden unterschiedlichen Alters. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), P15-P22. // 2 Bohn, W., Hess, L., & Burger, R. (2013). The effects of the “physical BEMER® vascular therapy”, a method for the physical stimulation of the vasomotion of precapillary microvessels in case of impaired microcirculation, on sleep, pain and quality of life of patients with different clinical pictures on the basis of three scientifically validated scales. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), P5–P12. // 6 Schmidt, R. F., Lang, F., & Heckmann, M. (Eds.). (2011). Physiologie des menschen: mit pathophysiologie. Springer-Verla, S768 // 7 Strauch, B., Herman, C., Dabb, R., Ignarro, L. J., & Pilla, A. A. (2009). Evidence-based use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in clinical plastic surgery. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 29(2), 135-143. // 8 Gyulai, F., et al. (2015). “BEMER Therapy Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Musculoskeletal Diseases: A Randomised, Controlled Double Blind Follow-Up Pilot Study.” Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015: 245742. // 10 Fehr, C. M., G. McEwen and C. Robinson (2022). “The Effects of “Physical BEMER((R)) Vascular Therapy” on Work Performed During Repeated Wingate Sprints.” Res Q Exerc Sport: 1-6. // 11 Umfrage BEMER und Schlaf, 2020, 121 Teilnehmer // 12 vgl. Wege zu einem gesunden Schlaf (20. Januar 2018) // 13 Kanaparthi, A., S. P. R. Kesary, C. Pujita and H. Gopalaiah (2020). “Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation (BEMER) therapy in myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome: A preliminary study.” J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 10(2): 38-42.

    BEMER Int. AG is a medical technology company that manufactures products to treat impaired microcirculation. We have been researching and developing patented application methods in this field since 1998.

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