Just 2 x 8 minutes daily can improve your quality of life

    Our technologyOur Products

    By improving restricted blood flow, BEMER can help the body to perform its functions optimally. (1/5) With a daily application time of just 2 x 8 minutes, BEMER can make a unique contribution to your health. (2)

    Disruptive technology

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    No hocus-pocus, just good old-fashioned physics. Simple to use. Simply does you good.

    Powerful signal

    The coils in the BEMER applicators generate an electromagnetic field with a patented signal structure.

    Perfect transmission

    The signal is transported into the body via the magnetic field.

    For an optimum effect

    The BEMER application can support cell maintenance, i.e., the process of supplying cells with nutrients and oxygen while also removing metabolic by-products. (1/5/6)

    The BEMER Effect. Feel the difference.

    Blood flow – woman with B.Spot on shoulder

    Improve your circulation the easy way

    BEMER is an evolution of magnetic therapy – however it merely uses a pulsating magnetic field to deliver the unique, patented BEMER signal configuration to your body. This signal in turn can stimulate the pumping movements of the smallest blood vessels. (1)

    Sleep – controller with finger

    Sleep better

    A user survey showed that 9 out of 10 BEMER users sleep better after using the sleep program. (11)

    Get back to your best – couple in kitchen with B.PAD

    Get back to your best

    BEMER can promote a general sense of wellbeing. This has been confirmed via a survey of several hundred users. (2)

    Less pain – older woman lying on mat

    Break free from pain, get more out of life

    BEMER can relieve lower back pain (2/8) and improve the outcome of certain types of therapy. (8/13)

    Health is our passion

    Our passion for people and animals has motivated us to conduct ongoing research into microcirculation for more than two decades.

    Our Company

    Health is a matter of trust

    Certified medical product

    Class IIa in Europe


    Approved medical product in the USA

    Hundreds of thousands

    satisfied users worldwide

    Over 25 years

    Over 25 years

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    BEMER Premium-Set Evo

    BEMER Premium-Set Evo

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    Michael Rudman

    “Thanks to BEMER, I can finally do what I love again: go all out in sports!”

    Michael Rudman, former Professional Ice Hockey Player

    Manuel Gossner

    “Days instead of weeks: BEMER slashes my recovery time.”

    Manuel Gossner, Management Consultant

    Christine Franz

    “My job is very demanding. BEMER keeps my body and mind fit.”

    Christine Franz, Midwife

    Merry Rösler

    “No more counting sheep. With BEMER, I can fall asleep more easily.”

    Merry Rösler, Administrative Assistant

    Michaela Oetken

    “No more sports, said my doctors. Thanks to BEMER, I’m back on my spinning bike.”

    Michaela Oetken, Dental Assistant

    Thomas Ahlers

    “Sport used to hurt! With BEMER I’m pain-free again.”

    Thomas Ahlers, Logistics Specialist

    BEMER – for your horse’s wellbeing, too

    Ready for a riding revolution? With the BEMER Horse-Set, your horse can also benefit from our BEMER therapy in a variety of ways.

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    BEMER Horse

    Frequently Asked Questions

    See all FAQs

    How can the functional principle of the physical vascular therapy be explained in a nutshell?

    The intended purpose of the BEMER devices is to increase the restricted contraction frequency of the smaller and very small precapillary arterial blood vessels. This results in improved blood distribution in the capillary network of the microcirculatory system.

    What is microcirculation?

    Microcirculation is the part of our circulatory system that ensures the supply of each individual body cell with the necessary oxygen, as well as nutrients, via a regulated flow of blood. At the same time, the microcirculation has the task of transporting away the metabolic by-products, such as carbon dioxide, which are produced during cellular activity. As the prefix “micro” already indicates, we are talking about extremely small vessels, since the cells are also very small (body cells are not visible to the naked eye). Thus, we have a huge network of tiny blood vessels in our body, some of which are ten times thinner than a human hair. The microcirculation consists of different structures: the smallest vessels (arterioles, capillaries, venules), the initial lymphatic vessels, and the interstitial space (the space between the blood vessels, cells, and lymphatic vessels).

    Why is microcirculation so important for our health and performance levels?

    Scientific findings confirm that properly functioning microcirculation is critically important for our health and performance levels. In all higher life forms, the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients, the disposal of “waste products”, the transport of hormones and messenger substances, the immune defense, and much more is carried out via the blood flow. The performance and functionality of each individual body cell, the muscles, joints, organs, the immune system, etc., all depend on optimal cell maintenance via microcirculation.

    Why does impaired microcirculation lead to a drop in performance and even the onset of disease?

    Impaired microcirculation can lead to a lack of energy in the cells because they are not sufficiently supplied and maintained. Initially, this results in reduced performance and subsequently leads to functional disorders in the affected cells. If many cells within an organ or area of tissue are affected, this may trigger corresponding symptoms which can then be defined as a disease.

    Top service from BEMER. Flexible payments.

    Do you have any questions?

    We will be happy to answer all your questions about BEMER products.

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    Because we’ll give you an additional year on us! Top quality. Top service.

    1 Klopp, R. C., Niemer, W., & Schulz, J. (2013). Wirkungen einer physikalischen Stimulierung der spontanen arteriolären Vasomotion bei Rehabilitanden unterschiedlichen Alters. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S15-S22. // 2 Bohn, W., Hess, L., & Burger, R. (2013). The effects of the “physical BEMER® vascular therapy”, a method for the physical stimulation of the vasomotion of precapillary microvessels in case of impaired microcirculation, on sleep, pain and quality of life of patients with different clinical pictures on the basis of three scientifically validated scales. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S5-S12. // 5 Levy, B. I., Ambrosio, G., Pries, A. R., & Struijker-Boudier, H. A. J. (2001). Microcirculation in hypertension: a new target for treatment?. Circulation, 104(6), 735-740. // 6 Schmidt, R. F., Lang, F., & Heckmann, M. (Eds.). (2011). Physiologie des menschen: mit pathophysiologie. Springer-Verla, S768 // 8 Gyulai, F., et al. (2015). "BEMER Therapy Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Musculoskeletal Diseases: A Randomised, Controlled Double Blind Follow-Up Pilot Study." Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015: 245742. // 11 Umfrage BEMER und Schlaf, 2020, 121 Teilnehmer // 13 Kanaparthi, A., S. P. R. Kesary, C. Pujita and H. Gopalaiah (2020). "Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation (BEMER) therapy in myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome: A preliminary study." J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 10(2): 38-42.

    BEMER Int. AG is a medical technology company that manufactures products to treat impaired microcirculation. We have been researching and developing patented application methods in this field since 1998.

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