Let’s get started! Enjoy life with BEMER

    You’ve already tried all manner of “remedies” in your quest to enjoy life once again – to be free from pain with a feeling of increased wellbeing. Here, at last, is the real deal: BEMER can relieve pain in the lower back (2/8) and help alleviate chronic back pain (2/7/8). Rediscover your former zest for life and find out whether BEMER can help you live a carefree life again. And with an application time of just 2 x 8 minutes daily!

    BEMER physical vascular therapy – woman in living room with B.Body

    The BEMER physical vascular therapy.

    It’s impressive what our body can actually do. It can regenerate itself and fight pain. However, it can only do this if everything is working properly. If the body’s cells are optimally supplied. However, this often isn’t the case due to deteriorated microcirculation and general circulatory impairments. This is exactly where the BEMER physical vascular therapy comes in. This evolution of magnetic field therapy has been scientifically proven to improve microcirculation (1) – allowing your body and mind to reach top gear.

    Bye-bye, pain – couple in kitchen with B.Spot and B.Pad

    Bye-bye pain, hello BEMER!

    BEMER can help to relieve chronic lower back pain. In a user survey, half of users reported a significant reduction in pain (8). The BEMER therapy can help improve the user’s quality of life, promote their general wellbeing (2), and enhance the effectiveness of various other forms of therapy (8/13).

    The BEMER Effect – couple in living room with B.Body

    The BEMER Effect. In a nutshell.

    The BEMER application can support cell maintenance, i.e., the process of supplying cells with nutrients and oxygen while also removing metabolic by-products. By improving restricted blood flow, BEMER can help the body to perform its functions optimally (1/5/6)

    They use BEMER – and enjoy life

    Thomas A.

    “The doctors were speechless. And I’m free from pain!”

    Thomas Ahlers, Logistics Specialist

    Jenny K.

    “Pain-free at last! Without drugs – with BEMER!”

    Jenny Kahl, riding stable manager

    Michael R.

    “25 years of ice hockey took their toll on my knees. Thanks to BEMER, I can walk properly again today.”

    Michael Rudman, former ice hockey player

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    A healthy cardiovascular system – women in kitchen with B.Spot

    A healthy cardiovascular system

    As everybody knows, the heart pumps blood through the body’s arteries. In doing so, it is supported by the independent pumping movements of the smallest blood vessels, which transport blood, oxygen, and nutrients to where they are needed.

    More energy – man in living room with B.Body

    More energy

    The BEMER application can support cell maintenance, i.e., the process of supplying cells with nutrients and oxygen while also removing metabolic by-products. By improving restricted blood flow, BEMER can help the body to perform its functions optimally (1/5/6). This is the basis for good health, wellbeing, and both physical and mental performance.

    Better sleep – couple in bedroom with B.Bed

    Better sleep

    Stress leaves many people with problems getting to sleep. The BEMER therapy can help to relieve stress (2). A user survey also showed that 90% of BEMER users who use BEMER in accordance with the basic plan and with the sleep program sleep better and experience a greater sense of wellbeing (2/11/12).

    Discover the BEMER products

    Premium-Set Evo

    Premium-Set Evo

    Complete, without compromise. The professional all-round solution for the discerning user.

    Premium-Set Evo

    B.Bed Evo

    Puts the “good” in “good night”. The application module for your whole body – specially designed for use in bed.

    BEMER B.Pad Evo

    B.Pad Evo

    The ingenious all-rounder for targeted therapy at home and on the road.

    1 Klopp, R. C., Niemer, W., & Schulz, J. (2013). Wirkungen einer physikalischen Stimulierung der spontanen arteriolären Vasomotion bei Rehabilitanden unterschiedlichen Alters. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S15-S22. // 2 Bohn, W., Hess, L., & Burger, R. (2013). The effects of the “physical BEMER® vascular therapy”, a method for the physical stimulation of the vasomotion of precapillary microvessels in case of impaired microcirculation, on sleep, pain and quality of life of patients with different clinical pictures on the basis of three scientifically validated scales. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S5-S12. // 5 Levy, B. I., Ambrosio, G., Pries, A. R., & Struijker-Boudier, H. A. J. (2001). Microcirculation in hypertension: a new target for treatment?. Circulation, 104(6), 735-740. // 6 Schmidt, R. F., Lang, F., & Heckmann, M. (Eds.). (2011). Physiologie des menschen: mit pathophysiologie. Springer-Verla, S768 // 7 Strauch, B., Herman, C., Dabb, R., Ignarro, L. J., & Pilla, A. A. (2009). Evidence-based use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in clinical plastic surgery. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 29(2), 135-143. // 8 Gyulai, F., et al. (2015). "BEMER Therapy Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Musculoskeletal Diseases: A Randomised, Controlled Double Blind Follow-Up Pilot Study." Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015: 245742. // 11 Umfrage BEMER und Schlaf, 2020, 121 Teilnehmer // 12 vgl. Wege zu einem gesunden Schlaf https://www.wissenschaft.de/gesundheit-medizin/wege-zu-einem-gesunden-schlaf/ (20. Januar 2018) // 13 Kanaparthi, A., S. P. R. Kesary, C. Pujita and H. Gopalaiah (2020). "Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation (BEMER) therapy in myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome: A preliminary study." J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 10(2): 38-42.

    BEMER Int. AG is a medical technology company that manufactures products to treat impaired microcirculation. We have been researching and developing patented application methods in this field since 1998.

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