White horse against a dark background

    Where the BEMER Horse-Set can be used


    Without suppleness, training is a waste of time. Because one thing is certain: Only a physically and mentally relaxed horse can perform at its best. If the horse cannot “relax” in the long run, this will not only negatively impact its training, but also the animal’s health. To enable the horse to make optimal use of its muscles by engaging its back, it should be supported during the loosening-up phase. In addition to various warm-up and training exercises, the BEMER Horse-Set can also help to improve suppleness.*

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    Even horses cannot perform at their best every day. But what if a drop in performance lasts for weeks or even months? If the horse’s performance is permanently impaired, this is a warning signal because a weakened horse is susceptible to infections and injuries. But what can you do to prevent your horse from performing poorly in the first place? Support it! How? It’s easy with the BEMER Horse-Set. Our therapy starts directly with the microcirculation. It can help strengthen your horse by improving cell maintenance. You and your horse will notice the difference during your next training session.*

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    Parasympathetic nervous system

    Parasympathetic nervous system

    While the sympathetic nervous system prepares the horse for mental and physical performance, its counterpart, the parasympathetic nervous system, is responsible for rest and regeneration. The so-called relaxation nerve boosts digestion and replenishes energy reserves. It becomes active when the horse is at rest. You can also help your horse to relax. In addition to other types of treatment, such as massages, the BEMER Horse-Set can also support this process. The BEMER blanket can cover a large part of the horse’s musculature. It thus allows the magnetic field therapy to affect the horse’s entire body. The microcirculation is activated by the gentle impulses – the smallest vessels are supplied with blood and cell maintenance is stimulated. What does this mean for your horse? The relaxation phase is reached more easily and regeneration is supported. And the best part? A permanently relaxed horse has a lower risk of injury and infection.*


    Every horse owner knows that injuries can easily occur in the stable or paddock, or during exercise. Even if you know your horse well, signs of overtiredness can easily go undetected because horses can endure a lot and don’t overtly show that they are suffering. You can effectively prevent this beforehand. By using the BEMER Horse-Set, you can boost your horse’s microcirculation and thus increase its overall performance. In addition, BEMER acts on the “relaxation nerve”. In this way, the BEMER Horse-Set can help minimize the risk of infection and injury.*

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    Before and after surgery, the BEMER Horse-Set can be used as a supportive measure to improve the horse’s response to anesthesia. During surgery, horses must lie in the same position for prolonged periods. The weight of the muscles presses on one spot, posing health risks for the horse. This can be prevented by using the BEMER magnetic field blanket, which stimulates blood flow. And postoperatively? Overall, faster regeneration was increasingly observed. Horses spend more time lying on their side, relax better, and stand up more steadily.*

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    * Dai, F., Dalla Costa, E., Giordano, A., Heinzl, E., Giongo, P., Pagnozzi, G., Cannas, S., Minozzi, G., Minero, M. (2016). Effects of BEMER physical vascular therapy in horses in training. A randomized, controlled double blind study (yet to be published). Milan: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan. // Genn, Dr. H. J. (2017). Auswirkung der physikalischen BEMER-Gefäßtherapie auf das Verhalten der Pferde vor bzw. nach einer Operation (Anwenderbeobachtung). Steinfeld: Pferdeklinik Mühlen. // Brandenberger, Dr. O., Kalinowskiy, A., Körner J., Genn, Dr. H. J., Leser, Dr. S. (2021). Effect of Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER)-Horse Therapy on Cardiopulmonary Function and Recovery Quality after Isofluran Anesthesia in 100 Horses Subjected to Pars-Plana Vitrectomy. Veterinary Surgery, July 08-10, 7. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13672 // Genn, Dr. H. J. & Kools, B. (2021). Der Einsatz der BEMER Therapie auf das Sexualverhalten (Libido) von Hengsten im Deckeinsatz (Anwenderbeobachtung). Steinfeld: Deckstation Schockemöhle & Pferdeklinik Mühlen. // Bundesverband für Gesundheitsinformation und Verbraucherschutz, 2018, P. 9

    BEMER Int. AG is a medical technology company that manufactures products to treat impaired microcirculation. We have been researching and developing patented application methods in this field since 1998.

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