You would do everything for your horse. And indeed, you do. Perfect care, optimal conditions – and love, of course. However, all these are insufficient if the horse's microcirculation, and thus its cell supply, is disrupted. This is precisely where BEMER's BEMER Horse-Set is implemented. It helps the cells perform their job – and lay the foundation for a healthy, happy horse.
The BEMER application represents an evolution of magnetic field therapy. It has a physically targeted and specific effect on blood vessels and parts of the vascular system. However, this effect is not achieved via the magnetic field itself, but instead via a signal configuration that is transported by the magnetic field, which makes it unique. The BEMER application could therefore also be described as pulsating magnetic field therapy.
The distinctive feature of the BEMER application for the horse is the patented signal configuration, transmitted through the BEMER Horse applicators into the body via a pulsating electromagnetic field. This signal is optimally adjusted to the biorhythm and thus can improve the impaired microcirculation.⁽³⁾
Your horse feels it – and you can even see it. The effect of the BEMER therapy is not only impressive live in the stable, but also when viewed through an intravital microscope.
Before BEMER application
After the BEMER application
Health and wellbeing on the same wavelength. The base signal on which the BEMER application is based generates a very low-frequency magnetic field (30 Hz), which is completely harmless to the organism – both human and equine. Even a computer generates a magnetic field of a higher frequency!
The BEMER Horse-Set is an innovative application that has a targeted and specific effect on blood vessels and parts of the vascular system, and is used to improve restricted microcirculation.⁽³⁾ Veterinarians, clinic managers, and equine physiotherapists are aware of the comprehensive application examples, the application, and reported experiences with BEMER – and value the potential of the Horse-Set. The basic principle? Pulsating magnetic field therapy – although based on magnetic field therapy, it does not achieve its effect via the magnetic field itself, but instead via a signal configuration that is transported by the magnetic field. The effectiveness of this BEMER application has been the subject of various scientific studies.⁽³⁾ And BEMER lets you dispense with chemical substances and their potential side effects as far as possible.⁽³⁾
Veterinarian & Clinic Manager
Veterinarian & Clinic Manager
1 Dai, F., Dalla Costa, E., Giordano, A., Heinzl, E., Giongo, P., Pagnozzi, G., Cannas, S., Minozzi, G., Minero, M. (2016). Effects of BEMER physical vascular therapy in horses in training. A randomized, controlled double blind study (yet to be published). Milan: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan. // 2 Genn, Dr. H. J. (2017). Auswirkung der physikalischen BEMER-Gefäßtherapie auf das Verhalten der Pferde vor bzw. nach einer Operation (Anwenderbeobachtung). Steinfeld: Pferdeklinik Mühlen. // 3 Brandenberger, Dr. O., Kalinowskiy, A., Körner J., Genn, Dr. H. J., Leser, Dr. S. (2021). Effect of Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER)-Horse Therapy on Cardiopulmonary Function and Recovery Quality after Isofluran Anesthesia in 100 Horses Subjected to Pars-Plana Vitrectomy. Veterinary Surgery, July 08-10, 7. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13672 // 4 Genn, Dr. H. J. & Kools, B. (2021). Der Einsatz der BEMER Therapie auf das Sexualverhalten (Libido) von Hengsten im Deckeinsatz (Anwenderbeobachtung). Steinfeld: Deckstation Schockemöhle & Pferdeklinik Mühlen. // 5 Frisbie, D., King, M. & Seabaugh, K. (2022). Effects of a Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Regulation Blanket on Thoracolumbar Epaxial Muscle Pain in Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, doi: // 6 Double-blind placebo-control study with 24 horses in Germany and Italy, conducted in 2017 by the University of Milan (Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) and the HCCG (Horse Competence Center Germany).