Horse’s eye


    My decision: Make the most of every day and ensure the best quality of life for my horse

    Knowing that I’m doing everything possible to ensure my horse is comfortable and relaxed – I want to make the most of this opportunity. To be competitive. To remain young. To know what my horse’s body is capable of. To see how my body regenerates. The secret to success? Microcirculation. With the BEMER therapy.

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    Microscopic in size.

    Microcirculation occurs in the area of the smallest blood vessels and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Nevertheless, it has a huge effect on the health and performance of your horse. Why? Because this is where the body’s metabolic processes take place. Cells are supplied with nutrients in order to optimally fulfil their natural tasks, and the metabolic waste products are disposed of. A healthy microcirculation is therefore essential for your horse’s all-round wellbeing.

    Veterinarian with horse

    What happens if the microcirculation is restricted?

    If your microcirculation is not functioning properly in a particular area, the exchange of substances between the blood and tissue there will be restricted. This means that the surrounding cells may not be sufficiently supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and that the metabolic by-products cannot be removed efficiently. This impairs the function and performance of the affected body cells and the organ systems of which they are a part. The horse’s ability to regenerate will suffer. It can therefore be stated that the functional state of an organ system is largely determined by the functional state of its microcirculation. In precisely this area, horse owners, equine physiotherapists, and veterinarians all over the world are reporting positive experiences with the BEMER Horse-Set. This is because the specific BEMER signal produces beneficial effects in extremely diverse application areas – for example, recovery after a strenuous training session or tournament is very often mentioned, as well as increased suppleness, complete relaxation, and positive effects after surgery.*

    Rider with horse

    There are many good reasons to choose BEMER

    BEMER improves restricted blood flow in the smallest vessels – and is thus an effective treatment for the whole body. It can produce a positive effect in many application areas.

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    Lack of energy

    A persistent lack of energy in its cells could cause a decline in your horse’s general physical and mental performance.


    Immune system

    The immune system needs to be strengthened to reduce the animal’s susceptibility to infection.


    Organ dysfunction

    Otherwise, restricted organ functions may open the door to secondary diseases.


    Disease progression

    It is important to ensure that the horse can manage the progression of any existing conditions.



    Disorders of the microcirculation slow down recovery and healing processes. Persistent impaired wound healing can also occur.



    The key is to reduce stress, which can negatively impact the wellbeing and health of horses.

    Microcirculation research

    Veterinarian with horse

    Microcirculation has only recently come into the focus as a research topic. Numerous scientists are now researching the smallest part of the circulatory system in exhaustive studies. We also support numerous research institutes in their work and have even promoted specific studies to help us better understand how the circulatory system can be optimally supported.

    Dr. med. vet. Stephan Leser

    Veterinarian & Clinic Manager

    “Deep anesthesia, operations that can last several hours … This technology from BEMER has a significant effect, makes my work easier, and has potential for all veterinarians and mobile practitioners. I use it before, during, and after surgery as part of my daily clinical routine. We clearly observe beforehand that the horses are calmer, relax, and reach a much deeper state of anesthesia. Our study is scientific proof that the BEMER system helps to boost microcirculation. The simplicity and robustness of the BEMER Horse-Set have also won me over. Is it effective? I see proof of this during around 1,000 surgical operations each year.”

    Dr. Stephan Leser
    Balanced response to anesthesia? Here’s the proof.

    * Dai, F., Dalla Costa, E., Giordano, A., Heinzl, E., Giongo, P., Pagnozzi, G., Cannas, S., Minozzi, G., Minero, M. (2016). Effects of BEMER physical vascular therapy in horses in training. A randomized, controlled double blind study (yet to be published). Milan: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan. // Genn, Dr. H. J. (2017). Auswirkung der physikalischen BEMER-Gefäßtherapie auf das Verhalten der Pferde vor bzw. nach einer Operation (Anwenderbeobachtung). Steinfeld: Pferdeklinik Mühlen. // Brandenberger, Dr. O., Kalinowskiy, A., Körner J., Genn, Dr. H. J., Leser, Dr. S. (2021). Effect of Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER)-Horse Therapy on Cardiopulmonary Function and Recovery Quality after Isofluran Anesthesia in 100 Horses Subjected to Pars-Plana Vitrectomy. Veterinary Surgery, July 08-10, 7. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13672 // Genn, Dr. H. J. & Kools, B. (2021). Der Einsatz der BEMER Therapie auf das Sexualverhalten (Libido) von Hengsten im Deckeinsatz (Anwenderbeobachtung). Steinfeld: Deckstation Schockemöhle & Pferdeklinik Mühlen. // Bundesverband für Gesundheitsinformation und Verbraucherschutz, 2018, P. 9

    BEMER Int. AG is a medical technology company that manufactures products to treat impaired microcirculation. We have been researching and developing patented application methods in this field since 1998.

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