More energy. Get more from life.

    Modern professional life is extremely demanding. It forces your body and mind to run at full speed. It can be hard to wind down afterwards, to take a timeout. But rest periods are essential to recharge your batteries. The good news is that it doesn’t take long – just a few minutes are enough! BEMER can improve restricted blood flow in the small and smallest blood vessels. This plays a key role in many physiological processes in the body. For example, it affects rest, sleep, and regeneration, as well as physical and mental stamina.⁽¹⁾ A completely new attitude to life⁽²⁾, with a treatment time of just 2 x 8 minutes daily.

    The BEMER Application - Gentleman relaxing on B.Body Evo

    The BEMER application

    Is your everyday life already stressful enough?! Don't worry, BEMER devices can be integrated effortlessly into your life - aiding you to relax more quickly. The patented BEMER signal makes it possible. BEMER utilizes a pulsed electromagnetic field to introduce the unique, patented signal configuration into the body, thereby improving the microcirculation.

    The BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy – Couple at Dining Table

    The BEMER effect

    BEMER can improve restricted microcirculation⁽¹⁾⁽⁵⁾ and support cell maintenance – the process of supplying cells with nutrients and oxygen and removing metabolic by-products⁽¹⁾⁽⁵⁾⁽⁶⁾ – as well as the body’s own regeneration processes and defense mechanisms.⁽¹⁾⁽³⁾⁽⁶⁾ The effectiveness of BEMER devices has been the subject of scientific studies.⁽¹⁾

    Turn on BEMER. Helps you to unwind. - Couple relaxing.

    Switch on BEMER. And let it help you switch off.

    BEMER can stimulate restricted blood flow in the smallest vessels. This plays a key role in many physiological processes in the body. For example, it affects rest, sleep, and regeneration, as well as physical and mental stamina⁽¹⁾. A user survey showed that 9 out of 10 BEMER users sleep better after using the sleep program.⁽¹¹⁾

    Hear what real performers have to say

    Image 2

    "Being active and staying active - that is my plan. BEMER supports me in this."

    Michael Adlboller, Financial Planner

    Image 4

    “Less rest, more power. BEMER has taken my recovery phase to a new level.”

    Manuel Gossner, Management Consultant

    Image 1

    “My job demands a lot. Thanks to BEMER, I can give it my all.”

    Christine Franz, Midwife

    Image 3

    "Life is fast. With BEMER, I recover even faster."

    Daniel Engler, Technical Department Manager

    BEMER, your active companion

    Powerful Body - Master on B.Bed Evo

    Strong body

    BEMER can improve restricted microcirculation⁽¹⁾, boost the body’s own regeneration processes and defense mechanisms⁽¹⁾⁽³⁾⁽⁶⁾, as well as support the work of the immune system⁽¹⁾⁽⁶⁾. It can promote relaxation and help to relieve stress.⁽²⁾

    Strong Mind - Lady

    Strong mind

    By improving restricted blood flow in the small and smallest vessels, BEMER can help the body to perform its functions optimally⁽¹⁾⁽⁵⁾. This is how BEMER is able to promote a general sense of wellbeing⁽²⁾. In a user observation, two thirds of the surveyed users experienced a significant increase in their quality of life.⁽²⁾

    Enjoy Life. - Couple

    Enjoy Life

    Whether you want to excel in a successful career, celebrate sporting success, or provide for your family – you can only master all of life’s challenges with a spring in your step if you are mentally and physically fit, and fully energized. BEMER can make a difference.

    Discover the BEMER products

    Premium-Set Evo

    Premium-Set Evo

    Complete, without compromise. The professional all-round solution for the discerning user.

    B.Pad Evo

    B.Pad Evo

    The ingenious all-rounder for targeted therapy at home and on the road.


    B.Body Evo

    The practical applicator for comfortable treatment of your entire body.

    1 Klopp, R. C., Niemer, W., & Schulz, J. (2013). Wirkungen einer physikalischen Stimulierung der spontanen arteriolären Vasomotion bei Rehabilitanden unterschiedlichen Alters. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S15-S22. // 2 Bohn, W., Hess, L., & Burger, R. (2013). The effects of the “physical BEMER® vascular therapy”, a method for the physical stimulation of the vasomotion of precapillary microvessels in case of impaired microcirculation, on sleep, pain and quality of life of patients with different clinical pictures on the basis of three scientifically validated scales. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S5-S12. // 3 Klopp, R. C., Niemer, W., Schulz, J., & Ruhnau, K. J. (2013). Einfluss eines spezifisch biorhythmisch definierten physikalischen Reizes auf die defizitäre Vasomotion in kleinkalibrigen Arteriolen der Subkutis bei Patienten mit diabetischer Polyneuropathie. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 10(Suppl), S23-S29. // 5 Levy, B. I., Ambrosio, G., Pries, A. R., & Struijker-Boudier, H. A. J. (2001). Microcirculation in hypertension: a new target for treatment?. Circulation, 104(6), 735-740. // 6 Schmidt, R. F., Lang, F., & Heckmann, M. (Eds.). (2011). Physiologie des menschen: mit pathophysiologie. Springer-Verlag, S768 // Schmidt, R. F., Lang, F., & Heckmann, M. (Eds.). (2011). Physiologie des menschen: mit pathophysiologie. Springer-Verlag, S768 // 11 Umfrage BEMER und Schlaf, 2020, 121 Teilnehmer

    BEMER Int. AG is a medical technology company that manufactures products for use in cases of disrupted microcirculation. Since 1998, we have been researching and developing patented application methods in this field.

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